vintage civil rights march

A Look At The March on Washington 60 Years Later:

Dreams and Promises Yet To Be Realized

Dreams Unfulfilled

The dreams of the 1963 organizers and marchers and the promises that followed remain unfulfilled. You can download our data analysis below which throws into sharp relief a country where millions of its citizens are devalued, disenfranchised, and denied access to the most basic freedoms enjoyed by others. It is our hope that this information ignites critical conversation and amplifies the clarion call for action that dismantles the structural and institutional barriers that have persisted for over 400 years in America.

protest in nyc about systematic racism

Watch Jennifer Jones Austin, CEO and Executive Director, FPWA, Powerful Speech at 60th Anniversary March on Washington

The Issues

Jobs, Wages & Income

Black persons continue to suffer higher unemployment & lower wages due to discrimination in the workplace and systemic factors

Housing and Community

Alarming and trending backwards


Progress in high school attainment but college attainment and college debt is abysmal

While it is heartening to see that Black and White Americans are graduating high school at nearly equal rates, Black children attending deeply segregated and maliciously underfunded schools has greatly contributed to their disproportionately limited proficiency in basic skills and lesser rates of college degree attainment. This gap in college attainment helps explain why Black and Brown Americans end up segregated into low wage occupation, making tens of thousands of dollars less than White Americans.

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3 happy young people looking at laptop

FPWA is an Official Partner of the March on Washington

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people marching speaking into megaphone

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What does it take to thrive

in America today?

Measuring the True Cost of Economic Security

Learn more about the measure and the National True Cost of Living Coalition at

NYC Funds Tracker Dashboard and Analysis

The interactive open data dashboard helps you visualize and track the city budget, with a specific focus on the critical human services funding we rely on.

Don’t forget to also check out our new analysis

FPWA has recently been receiving claims from members of the public emailing and calling our offices that individuals posing as FPWA agents have contacted them claiming that in order for the recipient to claim grant monies from FPWA they must first send the agent personal information, a cell phone number, gift card codes or money.

FPWA does not use social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), text messages or direct phone contact to solicit, review, or make awards. FPWA staff will not call or message you requesting money in order to be eligible for an award.

Further, FPWA does not make grants directly to individuals. FPWA works with its member agency partners and other reputable community-based organizations to direct support to families and individuals in our community.

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