FPWA Statement on Mayor Adams Canceling Upcoming City Budget Cuts

For Immediate Release: 

February 23, 2024


Rachel Noerdlinger, rnoerdlinger@actumllc.com

Emma Brodsky, ebrodsky@actumllc.com 



New York, NY (Friday, February 23, 2024) – FPWA CEO and Executive Director Jennifer Jones Austin issued a statement this morning in response to Mayor Adams’ decision to restore funding for human services and abandon his proposed budget cuts.

“Today’s news that Mayor Adams has canceled impending, harmful cuts to our human services sector is welcomed, but also underscores what FPWA has long been saying—the cuts went far beyond what was needed. As outlined by FPWA and several independent budget watchdogs, the cuts were excessive and punitive, and unnecessarily blamed New York’s newest residents in the process.

The mayor’s actions, which came on the heels of a 2024 budget that left our human services workforce out of the dealmaking for fair wage increases, have further strained the relationship between the human services sector and the city. It is imperative that Adams’ administration move to restore goodwill by providing greater transparency in its budgetary decisions, addressing contract payment challenges, and fully funding the chronically underfunded and de-prioritized sector which it relies heavily upon.

FPWA has been shining a light on the fiscal state of the human services sector. From sounding the alarm better than a year ago about the impact of expiring COVID-19 funding, to our new NYC Funds Tracker, we have clearly demonstrated how and why the human services sector continues to receive less than its fair share for vital services from the city.

We strongly encourage the Adams administration to adopt more prudent and transparent budgeting practices. The wellbeing of New Yorkers depends on it.”

 About FPWA

FPWA is a leading, anti-poverty policy and advocacy organization dedicated to strengthening human services organizations and faith institutions, and advancing economic opportunity and justice for New Yorkers with low incomes. Since 1922, FPWA has driven groundbreaking policy reforms to better serve those in need. We work to dismantle the systemic barriers that impede economic security and well-being, and strengthen the capacity of human services agencies and faith organizations so New Yorkers with lower incomes can thrive and live with dignity.

Find out more at fpwa.orgFacebookTwitter, and Instagram.


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Measuring the True Cost of Economic Security

Learn more about the measure and the National True Cost of Living Coalition at nationaltruecostofliving.org

NYC Funds Tracker Dashboard and Analysis

The interactive open data dashboard helps you visualize and track the city budget, with a specific focus on the critical human services funding we rely on.

Don’t forget to also check out our new analysis

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