March 19, 2021
Rachel Noerdlinger,
Amaris Cockfield,
FPWA condemns the mass murders in Atlanta of eight people, six of whom were Asian American women. We grieve for the families of all those who died and were injured. It is tragic that it has taken this violent crime for our country to turn its gaze toward the steady and significant increase in racist violence and discrimination toward AAPI communities, and especially Asian American women, since March 2020. At the same time, no one should believe that this crime is an isolated occurrence. It is the outgrowth of the systemic racism, xenophobia, and sexism the AAPI community experiences today, and has for hundreds of years in the United States and New York City.
FPWA joins arms with the Asian American community in their fight for equality, as we all commit ourselves to securing equality and justice for all people of color.
Join the Asian American Federation’s Vigil for Peace on 3/19 at 6PM in Union Square.
About FPWA:
FPWA is an anti-poverty policy and advocacy organization committed to advancing economic opportunity and upward mobility for low-income New Yorkers. Having a prominent New York presence for nearly 100 years, FPWA has long served New York City’s social service sector, providing grants to help individuals and families meet their basic needs, and advocating for fair public policies on behalf of people in need and the agencies that serve them. FPWA’s member network of 170 human-service and faith-based organizations reach more than 1.5 million people in New York’s communities each year. Join us at, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.