June 30, 2021
Rachel Noerdlinger,
Amaris Cockfield,
New York City, NY – Today Mayor de Blasio and the New York City Council reached a budget agreement for Fiscal Year 2022. The city’s $98.7 billion budget, buoyed by federal stimulus funding, acknowledges the urgent needs of New Yorkers with low incomes and the nonprofit human service providers that serve them.
Critical investments in key areas evidence the city’s aim to secure a just recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic, especially its continued commitment to fully funding a sustainable indirect cost rate for the human services sector. However, the $24 million one-time bonus for human service providers, while greatly appreciated, is less than half what the sector identified is needed to support its workers. Human services workers are predominantly women of color and immigrants who earn some of the lowest wages in the city; despite that, they showed up every day for the city during a devastating year.
As we move towards rebuilding New York City in the wake of a pandemic and reinvigorated demands for racial equity, FPWA will continue to advocate alongside our coalition partners for a budget that meets the needs of every New Yorker.
When budget documents become available, we will continue to analyze them and provide a more detailed update on key initiatives.
About FPWA
FPWA is an anti-poverty policy and advocacy organization committed to advancing economic opportunity and upward mobility for low-income New Yorkers. Having a prominent New York presence for nearly 100 years, FPWA has long served New York City’s social service sector, providing grants to help individuals and families meet their basic needs, and advocating for fair public policies on behalf of people in need and the agencies that serve them. FPWA’s member network of 170 human-service and faith-based organizations reach more than 1.5 million people in New York’s communities each year. Join us at, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.